News archive


Usama Jamal presents his paper "Tackling Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Earnings Stripping Rules" at the CBT lunch seminar. 

10 June 2024 

Kristoffer Berg presents his paper "Does a Wealth Tax Improve Equality of Opportunity" at a workshop hosted by the University of St.Gallen. 

7 June 2024

Kristoffer Berg presents his paper "Taxing Corporate or Shareholder Income" at Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences 

16 May 2024

Michael Devereux presents a paper at a workshop on MNE Investment and Taxation at the OECD’s Fiscal Affairs Committee

15 May 2024

Kristoffer Berg article "Can investment tax reform boost economic growth?" published by Economics Observatory

14 May 2024

Kate Smith presents her paper "It’s all about the base: Taxing business owner-managers" as part of the CBT research seminar series. 

13 May 2024

Julie Brun Bjørkheim presents her paper "Global Capital, Local Impact: Firm Effects of National and International Investment" at the CBT lunch seminar

7 May 2024

Wouter Leenders presents his paper "Avoiding Evasion: Effects of the Automatic Exchange of Information" at the CBT lunch seminar

30 April 2024

Arun Advani presents his paper "Top Flight: How responsive are top earners to tax rates?" as part of the CBT research seminar series.

29 April 2024

Marika Viertola presents her paper "Transfer (mis)pricing of multinational enterprises: evidence from Finland" at the CBT lunch seminar

24 April 2024

Niels Johannesen presents policy report on business subsidies at the Danish Parliament

18 April 2024

Niels Johannesen gives the keynote lecture at the workshop “taxing profits and dividends” at Norwegian School of Economics

16 April 2024

Toward a New International Tax Order? Workshop on UN GA Tax Cooperation Resolution, 25 and 26 March 2024

25 March 2024

FT publishes Kristoffer Berg's response to the piece 'Time to tax billionaires'

17 February 2024

Professor Judith Freedman CBE appointed to the Tax Notes International Council of Eminent Persons

12 February 2024