Doctoral Conference
Current PhD students and researchers within three years of completing their PhD are invited to submit papers on any topic related to business taxation. The conference offers presenters the opportunity to receive feedback in a friendly environment from leading academics and CBT researchers.
Each year, the Centre awards a prize to the author of the paper selected by CBT researchers as the best paper of the conference. In some years the prize was shared. The prize winners are as follows:
David Leite, "The Firm as Tax Shelter: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications of Consumption Through the Firm"
Lars Thorvaldsen, "The importance of escape clauses: Firm response to thin capitalization rules"
Paul Organ, "Citizen and taxes: Evaluating the effects of the US tax system on individuals’ citizenship decisions"
Michael Love, "The Lasting Effects of the 2003 Dividend Tax Cut"
Adrian Lerche, "Investment Tax Credits and the Response of Firms"
Terry S Moon, "Capital Gains and Real Corporate Investment"
Sarah Clifford, "Taxing multinationals beyond borders: financial and locational responses to CFC rules"
Axel Prettl, "Influence of anti-tax avoidance rules on profit shifting – examining CFC rules and bunching of multinationals"
Kristina M Bott, "Increasing tax compliance – auditing, appeals to tax morale, or both? A lab experiment"
Pierre Bachas, "Not(ch) Your average Tax System: Behavioral Responses of Small Costa Rican Firms"
Maria Coelho, "Dodging Robin Hood: Responses to France and Italy’s Financial Transaction Taxes"
Carolin Holzmann, "Exploiting a Window of Opportunity: Multinationals' Profit Shifting in the Absence of Restrictions"
Nathan Seegert, "The post-merger performance puzzle: a tax wedge explanation"
Eric Zwick, "Or credit? The interaction between financial constraints and fiscal stimulus"
Raphael Parchet, "Are local tax rates strategic complements or strategic substitutes?"
John Gallemore, "Tax Assets and Bank Regulatory Capital"
Young Scholar Prize (Awarded at the CBT Academic Symposium)
Joana Naritomi, "Consumers as tax auditors"
Sebastian Siegloch, "Employment effects of local corporate taxes"
Danny Yagan, "Capital tax reform and the real economy: the effects of the 2003 dividend tax cut"
Martin Simmler, "Differential Taxation and Firm's Financial Leverage - Evidence from the Introduction of a Flat Tax on Interest Income"
Kevin Markle, "A Comparison of the Tax Motivated Income Shifting of Multinationals in Territorial and Worldwide Countries"