The European Green Deal and Carbon (Border) Taxes: Déjà vu or new beginning?
Blogs 2018/19
Does the Tax System Offer an Effective Tool to Support Innovation and R&D?
Does the Tax System Offer an Effective Tool to Support Innovation and R&D?
A Reform Option for the OECD: Residual Profit Allocation by Income
A Reform Option for the OECD: Residual Profit Allocation by Income
Our Response to Tax Fraud is Endangering the Rule of Law
Our Response to Tax Fraud is Endangering the Rule of Law
The Arm's Length Principle ("ALP") - Is it a Principle and is it Arm's Length?
The Arm's Length Principle ("ALP") - Is it a Principle and is it Arm's Length?
Taxing Digital Business: a Plea for Holistic Thinking